LAMBING LIVE programme returns for another Spring at the farm, includes the arrival of previously unseen ewes at the farm, as well as many returning sheep who were born last year. The animals will inhabit the farm’s big barn from our Easter opening on 2nd March.
Sheep have been resident of the UK since Roman times, and became hugely important for their meat and wool, today British Lamb is amongst the highest quality and welfare standards in the world. Visitors will be able to explore the farm and learn about the importance of Lambing, bottle feed the new born lambs as well as meet the many resident farm animals.

Later in the spring, visitors will be invited to see the dairy cows annual ‘turn-out’ where the herd will once again be able to graze in the open fields as the weather begins to improve for them. The grass lands of the farm are both grazed and cut for winter feed for the dairy herd here at the farm. Allowing the herd into the fields whenever the weather permits.
2019 will also see a range of hands-on exhibitions for families to explore and learn from.
Opening in March, a LAMBING LIVE is one of the busiest times on the farm with hundreds of expectant mothers ready to give birth. Our farmers have to be on hand day and night to help and assist those ewes whom need it.

Elliott Dowson, Farmer at Mrs Dowsons Farm Park, said:
2019 is set to be a special year for us.
We begin our year busy as ever; with Lambing Live, where visitors can see and experience real farming up close, make lasting memories bottle feeding orphan lambs, seeing new born lambs take their first steps or even see a new birth before their eyes, if they are lucky.
We were humbled to receive a ‘Visit England’ accreditation and thrilled to greet more visitors in 2018 than an ever before in the farms history. Every person through our gates helps to support local farming and the education programme working with schools. We look forward to welcoming each and every visitor back again in 2019.