Over the past 15 years, fewer people have been regularly eating the very British meat, and with those aged 55 years and over making up the lion’s share of the market, time is ticking for lamb.
This year the annual campaign runs from 1-7 September, and social media users are being urged to tweet the hashtag #LoveLambWeekLove Lamb Week is one of the initiatives inspire British agriculture and horticulture to become more competitive and resilient.
"We need to make sure that delicious British lamb isn't overlooked and left on its last leg with younger consumers" said Eric Dowson.
"Sheep herds graze our moorlands, maintaining our marshlands and look after our lowlands, sheep are part of a very British identity."
Lamb is delicious, versatile and easy to cook says Mrs Dowson, who regularly has a roast lamb for winter Sunday lunch. "We are producing some of the best quality lamb and are internationally known as such, but the home market is shrinking and it's important we see change."