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activities talks and a whole lot more...Asset 1.png

You can ask whatever you like and we'll let you in on all the farm secrets, you may even be lucky enough to see a ewe or cow give birth right before your eyes! We have lots of different talks and activities throughout the day but just so you know, sometimes we need to change the times of our activities and talks because of the weather or animal needs.

a safe visit to the farm

 •Take care when meeting the animals.

They are great but they bite, scratch, wee, poo, butt, kick, have horns and carry germs!

 •Keep your distance and allow the animals their own space.

 •Wash your hands, footwear and clothing before leaving and before eating.

daily timetable

11am - Meet the Rabbits

Get hands on with the small animals at the Rabbit Shed

11:30am - Lambing Live

Help bottle feed the orphan lambs at the Lambing Barn

12:00pm - Pig Snack Time

Meet the farmer at the Pig Sty for a talk and pig feeding session

12:30pm - Farmer Talk

Learn about the working at the Cow Barn

1:15pm - Walking with Wallabie

Meet the farmer at the Wallaby Walk for a walk and talk

2:15pm - Meet the Rabbits

Get hands on with the small animals at the Rabbit Shed

2:30pm - Milking

Learn about the working farm and the milk that makes our ice cream

3:00pm - Lambing Live

Help bottle feed the orphan lambs at the Lambing Barn

The Daily Timetable is subject to change


New Arrivals 

There's always new arrivals and exciting news at the farm. Be sure to keep up to date right here.

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